Urologia Pediatrica

Pediatric Urology deals, not only surgically, with genito-urinary tract diseases in the newborn, infants, children and adolescents. These problems can be congenital, i.e. already present at birth, or can manifest themselves later in life. Gianantonio Manzoni is a Pediatric Urologist in Milan with over 35 years of experience in Italy, in Milan and Varese but also abroad, mainly at the Hospital for Sick Children in London and in the United States.
Gianantonio Manzoni had the opportunity to expand his knowledge and interest in particular in obstructive uropathies, urinary tracts malformations, urinary tract infections and vesico-ureteric reflux, pediatric andrology, urinary incontinence, exstrophy complex and finally genital malformations with a special interest for the reconstructive surgery of hypospadias and epispadias

Le malattie urologiche pediatriche

During the morphological Ultra Sound (US) evaluation (at 20 weeks of gestation) the occasional detection of a fetal urinary tract dilatation immediately generates a great anxiety in the future...
One of the most difficult task for the Pediatric Urologist is to be able to correctly and precisely define an obstruction in the urinary tracts. The presence (more and more often after an initial...
Upper urinary tracts malformations (renal or ureteral) quite often can be already identified during the prenatal evaluation. The presence of a single kidney because of the absolute lack
The correct diagnosis of a UTI it is not simply based on a positive urine sample sent to the lab (urine colture) There are infact well defined clinical criteria, beside sampling modalities, trying...
The finding at birth of a congenital anomaly of the penis inevitably generates both anxiety and concern among the Parents. Hypospadias truly represent one of the most frequent male genital...
The natural history of the prepuce is characterized by a physiologic and almost complete “closure” starting at birth and in the first few months of life. It is therefore impossible and indeed contro-...
One of the most embarassing and stressful condition for a child is represented by the presence of urinary incontinence during the day and/or at night. The physiologic urinary sphincteric control (...
One of the most devastating congenital group of malformations involving the lower uro-genital apparatus is known under the term of exstrophy complex. It presents itself in a variety of forms...
In the infant, the main attention should be addressed to the confirmation that both testicles are descended into the scrotum. A delayed descend can occur during the first 12 months and only in 1.8...